Tuesday, January 27, 2015


About The English summer course experience:

1. What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes? 

Incredibly, This intensive english course in the summer was the best (I did the 4 levels). I learn many things about english grammar and vocabulary  in the class andnthe blog posts. Maybe that is for the intensive character of this semester, because you are expose to this language 3 days for week. This is very much for me and that was good.

2. What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?

My big problem is the vocabulary. I haven´t a good memory and I can´t remember words as adjectives or conjugate verbs. But this is just practice and will.
The music it´s my best friend for practice languages. Not only english; I listen lyrics on Russian, Romani, Italian, yidis, etc. and I have a big interest in the different languages around the world.

About your well deserved summer holidays:

1. What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.

In february I have plans for travel to northwest of Argentina with my guitar and a bit of money. I hope go across different Provinces learning and teaching things of my interest. I don´t this places, I don´t know anyone in this places so that´s why this is a great adventure for me. I trust on my luck and I will hope a good travel.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


My work never have a name, but for this case I talk about "Covers". I did this work the last semester and was very funny. This work is very simple: I taken real covers of PS3 and XBox 360 and I  modifi
ed digitally that covers. I changed many things in the image with pictures of chilean imaginary. Games about barricades as football games or GOPE squadron like a war game. I used a image editor and when the images were ready I printed with very good quality(authenticity effect) and then bought boxes of PS3 and XBox360.

I like it because it´s attractive for the people. It´s funny and capture your attention and then you just have to say anything do you want. This is a great advantage, because a big problem in the art is than people ignore the works. This work talk about that; about how the people ignore all and just see his mirrors. I added phrases in the box, from Aldous Huxley and his books "Brave new world" and "Brave new world revisited".

Isn´t a criticism to technology. On the contrary, it´s a reading about the current society.


Thursday, January 15, 2015


Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? 

Yes I have. In 2013 I done a gamble with a guy of the university. I lost the gamble and dyed my hair to blond. The last year I had my revenge with the same guy and he wom like with leggings for one day on the school.

Have you ever swum in the ocean?

Yes I have. I love swim, but I don´t remember the last time. I prefer a pool for swim, cause you can do more exercise and in the ocean you need more caution.
The ocean it´s good for explore and relax in the sand. 

Have you ever played an instrument in public?

Yes I have. I played guitar and harmonic in public, with bands or alone. I don´t have problems with the nerves, just play and enjoy this, because it´s amazing, but you need concentration or you will have a bad moment.

 Have you ever been mugged?

Yes I have. The last time I was mugged for 3 guys on the bus, but they can´t stolen me. Someday I will regret my attitude with the thiefs, because I never hand over my things in a theft.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


The first Director is Andrzej Jakimowski. He born in Warsaw, Poland. He make 3 movies: Zmruz oczy, Sztuczki and Imagine. I just saw Sztuczki, but i want see the others films. Is a great story with daily nature, but with a pinch of magic realism. The name of the movie talk about this; the traduction is Tricks. Protagonist´s sister teaches him this tricks for bribe to the destiny.

The second director is English and his name is Paul Weiland. Again, I just see one movie of this guy, but it´s a very good movie. Then, I discovered his work with Rowan Atkinson on movies and TV series, like Mr. Bean from 1991 to 1994.
The movie is Sixty six an autobiographical comedy movie about his bar mitzvah parallel to the 1966 World Cup. He want a big celebration, the most important of his life and exceed brother´s bar mitzvah, but the England Team win and win. Progressively, his invited call him for cancel the invitations. Finally, his bar mitzvah make the same day of World Cup Final.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


What is your opinion about women in the military?

I don´t know. The obligatory service is terrible and extend this to the womens is even more awful. If womens want to do this is her problem, but i can´t understand this. 

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

I have a bad opinion of that people. The problem are the politicial parties; they are "enemies", but really all this people are family or friend, etc. Today, with NM this is really evident. 

What is your opinion about Hollywood movies?

It depends. Hollywood have moments of prosperity and good vision, but the best things of industry born of the under and Hollywood just see the potential of a story or director, etc. 

What is your opinion about jazz music?

I don´t like very much. It´s ok, but i prefer the blues. I love the jazz with guitars; electrics or acoustic, specially the gipsy jazz of Django or something like that. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I don´t care. If the state leaves me have marijuana it´s not important for me. The problem is the prison and legal problems, but that´s the law, the State and life in society... sometimes suck. 

Monday, January 5, 2015


My 2014 was a short year. I had a first semester with regular classes, the beginning of Escuelita Pública project and I began to take part on a political group. I was in University all the time, but it was good for me. I left my instruments for a period, because didn´t have time for play.
For the winter holidays I bought my first violin and returned to play music all the days and play blues with a band.
The next semester was completely different: The regular classes didn´t exist for problems with the faculty. First they were the strikes and later we taking the school for one month and a half. Also, in this semester it began the Escuelita Pública project with good attendance, but with little problems with faculty for classrooms, etc. The taking of the school was an amazing period for this project: You can work for more time in any classroom.Finally, the taking finished and here we are, with english class and a new year.