Monday, January 5, 2015


My 2014 was a short year. I had a first semester with regular classes, the beginning of Escuelita Pública project and I began to take part on a political group. I was in University all the time, but it was good for me. I left my instruments for a period, because didn´t have time for play.
For the winter holidays I bought my first violin and returned to play music all the days and play blues with a band.
The next semester was completely different: The regular classes didn´t exist for problems with the faculty. First they were the strikes and later we taking the school for one month and a half. Also, in this semester it began the Escuelita Pública project with good attendance, but with little problems with faculty for classrooms, etc. The taking of the school was an amazing period for this project: You can work for more time in any classroom.Finally, the taking finished and here we are, with english class and a new year.


  1. Summer classes are the best!
    (I'm being ironic ¬¬ )

  2. The Escuela Publica was a nice thing, Im very happy with are it.
