Thursday, January 22, 2015


My work never have a name, but for this case I talk about "Covers". I did this work the last semester and was very funny. This work is very simple: I taken real covers of PS3 and XBox 360 and I  modifi
ed digitally that covers. I changed many things in the image with pictures of chilean imaginary. Games about barricades as football games or GOPE squadron like a war game. I used a image editor and when the images were ready I printed with very good quality(authenticity effect) and then bought boxes of PS3 and XBox360.

I like it because it´s attractive for the people. It´s funny and capture your attention and then you just have to say anything do you want. This is a great advantage, because a big problem in the art is than people ignore the works. This work talk about that; about how the people ignore all and just see his mirrors. I added phrases in the box, from Aldous Huxley and his books "Brave new world" and "Brave new world revisited".

Isn´t a criticism to technology. On the contrary, it´s a reading about the current society.


  1. Your works are very good, this appears real covers of game.

  2. uuuhh i didn't knew your work of art, its an special proposition
