Thursday, January 8, 2015


The first Director is Andrzej Jakimowski. He born in Warsaw, Poland. He make 3 movies: Zmruz oczy, Sztuczki and Imagine. I just saw Sztuczki, but i want see the others films. Is a great story with daily nature, but with a pinch of magic realism. The name of the movie talk about this; the traduction is Tricks. Protagonist´s sister teaches him this tricks for bribe to the destiny.

The second director is English and his name is Paul Weiland. Again, I just see one movie of this guy, but it´s a very good movie. Then, I discovered his work with Rowan Atkinson on movies and TV series, like Mr. Bean from 1991 to 1994.
The movie is Sixty six an autobiographical comedy movie about his bar mitzvah parallel to the 1966 World Cup. He want a big celebration, the most important of his life and exceed brother´s bar mitzvah, but the England Team win and win. Progressively, his invited call him for cancel the invitations. Finally, his bar mitzvah make the same day of World Cup Final.

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